Fox TV Turkey upgrades News backdrop with Sony Crystal LED

Fox TV Turkey needed a dynamic studio backdrop for its flagship nightly news programme. They found a spectacular solution in Crystal LED – Sony’s super-size direct-view display system that provides an impressively bright, colourful high-contrast video background for anchorman Fatih Portakal.

The Challenge

  • Fox TV Turkey needed to upgrade video backdrop for top-rated evening news programme
  • Needed very large display with high resolution, brightness and contrast plus wide viewing angle

The Solution

  • Crystal LED Display System with 5K×2K resolution
  • Total display size 680cm x 225cm (85 units in total)

The Outcome

  • Large display size allows the presenter to move freely around the studio
  • High brightness and dynamic range ensures images can be seen clearly on camera, even under studio lights

“The Sony Crystal LED Display System is unparalleled when it comes to image quality. We like the excellent contrast and high dynamic range, which makes blacks really look like black.”Necip Kırçın,
CTO, Fox TV Turkey

Giving news audiences a clearer picture

Fox TV Turkey’s top-rated Evening News programme is watched by millions of viewers across Turkey at 7pm every weekday evening. To enhance its brand new studio, Fox TV wished to upgrade its current video backdrop with a solution offering the best possible image quality. There was only one realistic choice for the task – Sony’s acclaimed Crystal LED Display System. Offering exceptional brightness, contrast and colour, the modular system can be configured as an ultra-high resolution display of virtually any size and proportions to suit the most demanding presentation applications.

Clearer Picture

Super-sized backdrop adds extra impact

Measuring an impressive 680cm x 225cm, the super-size Crystal LED Display System in Fox TV’s news studio offers plenty of space to accommodate the expansive presenting style of news anchorman Fatih Portakal, who makes full use of the studio space during his nightly broadcasts. With a very high resolution of 5K×2K resolution, backdrop images are richly detailed with no loss of clarity on camera. The display’s virtually 180-degree viewing angle also give production teams the flexibility to compose shots with even greater creative freedom, without compromising image quality.

Super Sized Backdrop

Working with an expert team

“It was great to work with Fox TV Turkey on this project” comments Abdullah Şen , CEO of Istanbul based Sony Professional Partner and integrator In İnonto A.Ş. “They needed a lot of industry expertise to help them build the backdrop and make it work seamlessly in their studio. It was a challenging project that we solved by working closely with the Fox TV Turkey expert technical team – and I’m sure the Crystal LED Display System will serve Fox TV Turkey well for many successful years.”

Crystal LED team




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